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The Spatial Pattern and Its Influencing Factors of Agingat County Level in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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The Spatial Pattern and Its Influencing Factors of Agingat County Level in Jiangsu Province
Yang CaipingTang MaolinWang Shuang
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
population agingspatial patternspatial deviation modelJiangsu province
Based on the data of the recent two population censuses,the population aging in Jiangsu province is analyzed at country level. With the help of method of exploratory data analysis(ESDA),we explore the spatial pattern and evolution of aging in Jiangsu Province,and explain the influencing factors of aging by using spatial error model. As the overall space pattern is concerned,aging population at county level in Jiangsu province takes on significant spatial autocorrelation,that is,areas with similar degree of aging concentrate,and the degree of spatial concentration is reduced between the two population censuses,while the spatial heterogeneity has enhanced,with not so much change of the spatial pattern of concentration. The hotspot has to some degree relocated,a branch of cold area appeared in the southern area of Jiangsu in 2010,they are related to the relocation of economic hotspots;the agglomeration pattern has changed from “north-high and south-low”to“middle-high and south and north lower”;and the results of spatial error model indicate that the population social development factors and birth rate present negative correlation with aging,while death rates,education degree and health level have a positive effect to aging. Economic development level had different effect on the population aging of Jiangsu province between the two censuses.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30