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Percent Body Fat of Rural Han in China(PDF)


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Percent Body Fat of Rural Han in China
Li Yonglan
College of Life Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot 010022
percent body fatadultruralHan
Triceps skinfold,biceps skinfold,subcapular skinfold,and suprailiac skinfold were measured by 16501(36 survey areas)of Han rural adults,and were calculated body density and the percentage of body fat. The research shows that PBF value of male increase,PBF value of 45 to 59 years old group of female close to 60-75 years old group with the age growth. Females’ PBF is greater than the males’. At present,this difference of PBF value of different parts of the country in China is very big.Using the method of Siri body fat rate evaluate obesity of China’s Han,and found that overweight rate of male was 24.1%,obesity rate was 10.5%; overweight rate of female was 32.1%,obesity rate was 9.3%.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31