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Evaluation on the Deterrent Effect of Land-Three-Level Dynamic Patrol on Illegal Land Use—A Case Study of Changzhou(PDF)


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Evaluation on the Deterrent Effect of Land-Three-Level Dynamic Patrol on Illegal Land Use—A Case Study of Changzhou
Zhang Caiping1Zhou Guofeng2Li Qiuyang1Gao Jiangang1Zhu Lizhen1
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Changzhou Information Center of Land Resources,Changzhou 213003,China)
land-three-level dynamic patrolland violationsdeterrent effectivenessevaluation modelChangzhou
The theoretical analysis and empirical research are employed. The evaluation model is proposed based on the penalty function and is verified through land-three-level dynamic patrol of Changzhou as a case. The result shows that(1)Land-three-level dynamic patrols have significant positive effects on decreasing land violations. The earlier the discovery and curb of the suspected illegal land use,the better the deterrent effect on the illegal land use.(2)Penalty function represents the status of land-use. The difference between the values of penalty function at different time points can represent the deterrent effect.(3)After land-three-level dynamic patrol is conducted in Changzhou since 2012,the size of area of the illegal land use continuously decreases. It is concluded that land-three-level dynamic patrol has significantly positive effects on decreasing land violations. The proposed evaluation model is capable of reflecting the actual situation of Changzhou and is verified to be reasonable and reliable. The increasing region of patrol and extended inspection objects can intensify the effect of hindrance to the illegal land use further.


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Last Update: 2017-09-30