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Research on Evolution of Recreational Space inMetropolitan Suburbs Based on Point-Data—A Case Study of Suburbs of Nanjing(PDF)


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Research on Evolution of Recreational Space inMetropolitan Suburbs Based on Point-Data—A Case Study of Suburbs of Nanjing
Hu YongZhao YuanCao Fangdong
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
recreational pointsrecreational spacenuclear densitysuburbNanjing
Taking suburbs of Nanjing as an example,this paper analyzed the spatial data of recreational node in 1995-2015 through data mining,processing and classification to reveal the evolution features of recreational space in metropolitan suburbs by using mean city center distance,spatial dispersion index,rotating radius,spatial distribution curve and nuclear density methods. In the past 20 years,the number of recreational nodes in the suburbs of Nanjing has increased sharply,and the development of recreational resources of artificial recreation makes the recreational space of Jiangning district of Nanjing increase significantly. The spatial distribution of recreational nodes in Nanjing suburbs tends to be strengthened by the urban center attraction constraint,and the overall spatial distribution of urban recreational nodes is characterized by the dispersed distribution near the city,among which,the natural landscape resource dominated node is characterized by the dispersed distribution near the city,and the historical sites,artificial entertainment and leisure vacation nodes separately show the characteristics of the dispersion distribution far from the city,the dispersion distribution near the city and the concentration distribution far from the city. With the increase of distance,the number of recreational nodes in Nanjing suburbs shows a wave decreasing trend,and the numbers increased significantly during the period. The distribution density of recreational nodes is the highest in the range of 20 km,and the distribution density of various recreational nodes varies greatly with distance. The evolution process of recreational space in the suburbs of Nanjing is characterized by“point-axis-surface”expansion and the“big aggregation,large dispersion”models,and the evolution characteristics of various types of recreation space are different.


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Last Update: 2018-11-06