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The Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Driving Factors of Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Tourism Transportation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt(PDF)


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The Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Driving Factors of Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Tourism Transportation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
Hu Cheng12Ding Zhengshan12Mu Xueqing12Guo Xiangyang12Du Zhongjing12
(1. School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)
tourism transportationcarbon dioxide emissionsspatio-temporal evolutionLMDI decomposition methoddriving factorthe Yangtze River Economic Belt
F592 X24
Based on the panel data of the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 1998 to 2018,the“bottom-up”method was used to measure carbon dioxide emissions from tourism transportation. The temporal evolution characteristics and spatial pattern were explored. Meanwhile,the Kaya identity of carbon dioxide emissions from tourism transportation was established. The LMDI decomposition method was chose to reveal the degree of contribution of different driving factors to the changes in carbon dioxide emissions from tourism transportation. Research shows that:(1)Regarding the time-series trend,the overall carbon dioxide emissions from tourism transportation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is on the rise,which can be roughly divided into three stages:1998-2003,carbon emissions increased slightly at a rate of about 10%; 2004-2009,the overall growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions was relatively high,with a peak in 2004(32.12%); After 2010,the growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions dropped to about 10%.(2)Regarding the characteristics of spatial distribution,the overall carbon dioxide emissions from tourism transportation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt presents a spatial pattern of “high in the east and west,low in the middle”. Sichuan on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and Shanghai on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River have formed two distinct high-value areas spatially.(3)Regarding the driving factors,the factors that promote the increase of carbon dioxide emissions from tourism transportation are the scale of tourists,the level of tourism consumption,energy intensity. The factors that promote the decline are mainly the contribution of the tourism industry,the intensity of tourism transportation,the energy structure,of which the scale of tourists is the most important promoting factor,the contribution of the tourism industry is the main factor promoting decline.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01