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First Aid Resources Accessibility Analysis and Site Location Optimization in Wuhan(PDF)


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First Aid Resources Accessibility Analysis and Site Location Optimization in Wuhan
Zhang XinyiAn RuiLiu Yanfang
(School of Resource and Environmental Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079,China)
first aid sitesimproved two-step floating catchment area methodaccessibilityservice efficiencyfairnesslocation optimization
Pre-hospital first aid is an emergency measure directly linking the hospital and the accident site,and timely and efficient first aid resources directly protect the safety of people’s lives. Existing studies are mostly based on sites discussing the first aid resources spatial accessibility,and pay less attention to the fairness of site distribution and site location. In this paper,taking the community as the unit,the improved two-step floating catchment area method considering the characteristics of supply and demand is used to analyze the first aid sites service efficiency and community first aid resources accessibility currently in Wuhan,and comprehensively consider the fairness of the site distribution to optimize the site location. The experimental results show that the current site-intensive areas are affected by high first aid demand,the actual sites service efficiency is low,and the first aid resources accessibility is also low; the demand for first aid in sparse site areas is relatively low,and the spatial distance to the existing site directly determines the first aid resources accessibility. This paper further identifies the cold point area with low accessibility,extracts 9 secondary above hospitals with potential emergency capabilities as the points to be selected,compares the service efficiency and fairness of the first aid resources after adding the new sites one by one,and concludes that the 8th selection point(East Lake Hospital on East Lake East Road in Hongshan District)in the experiment is the best. Visual comparison proves that the first aid resources accessibility and the service capabilities of the emergency system are significantly improved after adding this site. The research results will provide an empirical reference for the construction of first aid sites in Wuhan.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01