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Research on the Spatial Spillover Effect of Provincial Cultural Capital on Tourism Economy in China(PDF)


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Research on the Spatial Spillover Effect of Provincial Cultural Capital on Tourism Economy in China
Zhu YeYin HongweiZhao Zhixia
(School of Economics and Management,Nanjing Vocational University of Industry Technology,Nanjing 210023,China)
cultural capitaltourism economyspillover effectSpatial Dubin model
F592; K902
Taking 31 provincial panel data in Chinese mainland as an example,based on the estimation of provincial cultural capital stock,this paper reveals spatial spillover effects of cultural capital on tourism economy by means of Spatial Dubin model. The primary conclusions show that the spatial distribution of cultural capital stock in Chinese mainland is unbalanced. The midrange and high-value areas are primarily distributed in the southeast,whereas the low-value zones are primarily distributed in the northwest. The cultural capital of each dimension has a significant difference on the development of tourism economy. From the standpoint of direct impact,solid cultural capital has a negative impact on the local tourism economy,while product cultural capital,educational cultural capital and institutional cultural capital are positively promoting the growth of local tourism economy; in terms of the spillover impact,solid cultural capital and educational cultural capital have a negative spatial spillover effect on the growth of surrounding tourism economy,while product cultural capital and institutional cultural capital show a strong positive spatial spillover effect on surrounding tourism economy,and their spillover effects are greater than the direct effects. In the future,the high-quality development of tourism industry should not only increase the construction of cultural capital,but also pay full attention to the spatial spillover effect of cultural capital,strengthen the coordination and cooperation among regions,and improve the peripheral environment.


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Last Update: 2022-09-15