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Research on the Construction of Teaching System of “Introduction to Environmental Science” Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities(PDF)


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Research on the Construction of Teaching System of “Introduction to Environmental Science” Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
Wen Tianyu1Zhang Mingli2
(1.School of Teacher Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
curriculum-based ideological and political educationteaching systemintroduction to environmental science
The fundamental task of education is “moral education”, and ideological and political education in curriculum is a key part of moral education, and comprehensively promoting the construction of ideological and political education in curriculum is an important initiative of education reform in the new era. In order to enhance the educational function of professional courses and to realize the integration of the concept of ideological and political education in subject courses, it is necessary to study the construction of the teaching system of ideological and political education in university courses. This paper constructs a new teaching system of ideological and political education in curriculum, and based on the analysis of the characteristics and advantages of the course “introduction to environmental science” integrated with the content of ideological and political education, the course objective of “trinity” is proposed; the teaching content system is developed based on the course contents by digging deep into the elements of ideological and political education; based on “SPOC+PBL” hybrid teaching, the teaching process system is reconstructed; finally, the teaching evaluation system is established by integrating diversified evaluation methods. By constructing a complete teaching system of “introduction to environmental science” course, it realizes the organic integration of ideological and political education and knowledge teaching in all aspects, which has certain reference and guidance significance for the implementation of ideological and political education in professional courses in colleges and universities.


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Last Update: 2023-09-25