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Relationship Between Effective Component of Alisma orientalis(Sam) Juzep and Ecological Factors(PDF)


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Relationship Between Effective Component of Alisma orientalis(Sam) Juzep and Ecological Factors
Chu BihaiMao ShanguoDing XiaoyuLi XuexiaDing Ge
School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097, China
A lisma or ientalis ( Sam ) Juzep e ffective component eco logy factor g rey corre lation
The re la tionsh ip be tw een effec tive component of A lisma or ientalis ( Sam ) Juzep and eco log ica l factors w ere ana ly zed by us ing correlation and grey co rre la tion analysis. Co rre lation analysis ind ica ted tha t the effective com ponent o fA lisma or ientalis showed negative corre lation w ith average tem pera ture( r = - 0.724 5), and positive correlation w ith averag e re lative hum id ity( r= 0.740 0) . Grey corre lation ana ly sis show ed that average re la tive hum idityw as the dom inant c lim a tic factor and the conten t o f kalium in so il a f fected mo st on the content o f 2, 3- acety l a liso l B. The study o f c lima tic facto rs and so il facto rs in Jiangsu area and the qua lity of the introduced medic inal m ater ia l found Jiangsu su itab le fo r the grow th o fA lisma orientalis, which dem onstrated that it is feas ible to introduceA lisma orien talis into Jiangsu.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05