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Research on Extracting Tea Flower Flavonoids and its Effect on Scavenging Hydroxyl Radicals(PDF)


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Research on Extracting Tea Flower Flavonoids and its Effect on Scavenging Hydroxyl Radicals
Chen Xiaoping1Zhang Weiming12Shi Jinsong2Gu Gongping2
1.College of Food Science and Technology,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
2. Nanjing Institute for Comp rehensive Utilization ofWild Plant, Nanjing 210042, China
Tea Flower flavonoids extraction scavenge hydroxyl radicals
The op timal extraction p rocess of Tea Flower flavonoids was studied by investigating different particle sizes, extraction reagents and methods. Comparisons were also made among the effects of fla- vonoids extracted by differentmethods on scavenging hydroxyl radicals. Results showed that: (1) the optimal conditions of heat extraction method were: solid2liquid ratio was 1 ∶15, extraction temperature was 80℃, and volume fractions of ethanolwas 95% , with 90 minutes each time; (2) op timal conditions of ultrasonic extraction method were: solid2liquid ratio was 1∶30, 45℃, and volume fractions of ethanolwas 95% , with 80 minutes each time. Results also showed that Tea Flower flavonoids extracted by ultrasonic combined with heat extraction had the highest scavenging activity on hydroxyl radicals.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05