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A Psychological Measurement & Analysis on Nanjing’s Image(PDF)


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A Psychological Measurement & Analysis on Nanjing’s Image
Li Wei1Zhang Shufu2
( 1. E conom icsD epartmen t, N an jing College of Popu lat ion Plann ing andM an agem en t Popu lation, Nan jing 210042, Ch ina)
( 2. S chool of Geograph ical S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alU nivers ity, N an jing 210046, C h ina)
cognition psycho logy destina tion’ s im age m easurement& ana lys is strategy of optim ization
The author ava ils the Echtne r’ s anti-constructional idea to design a new way to m easure the destination’ s im age and attempts tom ake an analysis of it w ith the v iew o f cogn ition psycho logy. Practic ing the th ink ing on the measure m ent& ana ly sis of Nanjing’ s image, the artic le po ints out the m a in advantag es and w eakness o f im age o f th is c ity and profound ly revea ls the re la tive reasons fo r that. Com bin ing the psycho log ica l regulation of the tou rists and the present cond itions of Nanjing, the autho r shows the strategy to optim ize the city’ s im ag e.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05