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China’s Rural Spatial Transition in the Period of Rapid Urbanization(PDF)


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China’s Rural Spatial Transition in the Period of Rapid Urbanization
Chen Xiaohua12 Zhang Xiaolin1 Ma Yuanjun1
( 1. S chool of Geograph ical S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alU nivers ity, N an jing 210046, C h ina)
( 2. Departm en t of Resou rce and Environm en tal S cien ce, Ch izhou Col lege, Ch izhou 247000, Ch ina)
rapid urbanization rura l space spa tia l transition rura l spatia l restruc tur ing
China has entered the per iod of rap id urban ization, rura-l urban transition has speeded up, and great change and adjustment w ill happen to rura-l urban spatia l layout. In the rapid urban ization, ru ra l spatial trans ition faces structura l and spa tia l prob lem s such as w idening rura-l urban gap in dua l structure, d ispersive urban ization caused by rura l industr ia liza tion, v illage vacuum tendency, d ispersive and disorde red v illage construction, increas ing ly ser ious resource and env ironm enta l prob lem s. A t present, Ch ina’ s rural spatial transition has the fo llow ing m ajor charac ters: non- ag r-i cultural industry has p layed a leading ro le in shap ing rura l econom ic space. Rural industr ia l centralized zones has become m a in rural industr ial layouts. Overa ll advance of rura l urban ization and rura l and urban spatia l in teg ra tion is the d-i rection o f Ch ina’ s rura l spatia l transition. Rura l spatial restructu re is a prim ary task for and a key to China’ s new countryside construction, and rura-l urban spatia l in teg ra tion is one o fmo st im portantm eans o f rural spa tia l restructuring, w ith its em phasis on p lann ing and construction o f three leve ls o f rura l urbanization platfo rm for “ Center C ity-M a jor Contral Towns-New Rural Comm un ity”, restructur ing v illage life and production space based on v illage and town p lann ing, estab lishm en t and comprehensive plan o f soc ial security system fo r rural and urban deve lopm ent




Last Update: 2013-05-05