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Pricing of American Call Option Under Lévy Model With Stochastic Volatility(PDF)


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Pricing of American Call Option Under Lévy Model With Stochastic Volatility
Ding Ling1Yang Jilong2
1.Department of Basic Education,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhangjiagang 215600,China
Ame rican option stochastic vo la tility L?vy m odel option pr ic ing
Option pric ing is one of the im po rtant contents in the m odern theory o f finance. Option price is re la ted to the vo latility of unde rlying assets. In the B- S m ode,l volatility is assum ed as a constant, bu t in rea lity, it is o ften seem ed as a random process. In th is pape r, the pric ing o fAm erican call option under L?vym odelw ith stochastic vo la tility was d iscussed. The optim a l exe rc ising tim e of Ame rican call option and the partial differential equation o f the value function o f the option were obta ined.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05