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Detecting Probability of Acknowledgment-type Slotted-ALOHA-CDMA Channels(PDF)


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Detecting Probability of Acknowledgment-type Slotted-ALOHA-CDMA Channels
Shao JianhuaYin KuixiWang XingheZhao Hua
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
ALOHA spread spec trum mu ltiple access detecting probab ility
A k ind o f acknow ledgment- type Slotted-ALOHA-CDMA channe,l w hich is called ACK-ALOHA-CDMA channel by the auther, is stud ied in this paper. The channe lm ode l is g iven firstly. Then the in terference between subsy stem s is obta ined and the transm ission influence in subsystem s is discussed. F inally, detecting probability is obta ined. Sim ulation resu lts show that a sign ificant perform ance im provem ent can be gained by using acknow ledgment- type Slotted-ALOHA- CDMA channel in sate llite VSAT system s and rad io packed netw orks w ith low comp lex ity and h igh-bandw idth eff-i c iency.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05