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Analysis on the Mineral Chinese Medicine Realgar(Xionghuang)(PDF)


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Analysis on the Mineral Chinese Medicine Realgar(Xionghuang)
Li Gang1Cheng Yongke1Huang Changgao1Li Keren2Wu Qinan3
1.Analysis & Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
realgar X - ray powder diffrac tion scann ing electr ic m icroscope therm og rav im etric-d iffe rentia l therm alanalysis
The realgar co llected from Nanjing University o fT raditiona lCh ineseM edic inew as tested w ith XRD, SEM, TG - DTA, ICP, etc. Its m ain com pos ition, structure, trace chem ica l e lem en ts, therm odynam ics cha racte rs w ere g iven. The results ind ica ted that them a in com po sition o f the sam ple is β- AsS, w ith monoclin ic crystal sy stem, and there are som e trace elem ents o fC a, K, M g, Fe, A ,l Pb. The appearance o f the samp le is b lock and pilla r. when heated to about 273.2℃ , β- AsS is trans lated to β- AsS, them e lting po in t is about 304.4℃ , and at about 355. 5℃ , the sam ple sta rts losing we ight and decomposing. The tests prov ided scientific data for the evalua tion and safety o f them edicine.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05