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Magnetoelectric Coupling in Laminate Composites Tb1-xDyxFe2-y and Fe-doped BaTiO3(PDF)


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Magnetoelectric Coupling in Laminate Composites Tb1-xDyxFe2-y and Fe-doped BaTiO3
Gao Jiansen
Basic Teaching Department,Suqian College,Suqian 223800,China
m agnetoe lectric effect p iezoe lectr ic m ater ial rare earth ferrom agnetic alloy
Fe-doped BaT iO3 has been syn thesized w ith so-l g el technique. The doped perovsk ite w as found in te tragonal structure. Its transform ation po int of fe rroe lectric to parae lectr ic and the latent heat of the transform ation w ere observed to be a little less than those for pure BaT iO3. Layered composites Tb 1- x Dyx Fe 2- y /Fe- BaT iO3 have been fabricated. The ir m agnetoe lec tric (ME ) e ffect has been investig ated. The transverse M E vo ltage coe fficien t fo r the b ilaye r Tb 1- x Dyx Fe 2- y ) Fe- BaT iO3 and the trilayer Tb 1- x Dyx Fe2- y) Fe - BaT iO3) Tb 1- x Dyx Fe 2- y can reach 578 ( mV Oe- 1 cm- 1 ) and 2 100( mV Oe- 1 cm- 1 ) , respectively, under a b ias m agnetic field 350 Oe a t room temperature. Tho se a re about 50% larg er than tho se for the bilayer and trilayer com posed by pure B aT iO3.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05