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Comparison in Tissue Culture Power Between Anther in Indica Rice Yangdao 6 and Japonica Rice Suhuxiangjing(PDF)


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Comparison in Tissue Culture Power Between Anther in Indica Rice Yangdao 6 and Japonica Rice Suhuxiangjing
Li XiaZhao YuntaoYan LinaZhou Yuelan
Institute of Foods Crop,Jiangsu Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China
indica and jap onica rice anther culture tissue culture power
The cu lture ab ility o f ca llus from anthe r of two rice var ie ties, Ind ica R ice Yangdao 6 and Jap onica R ice Suhux iang jing are stud ied asm ate rials. The results show that when usingM 8 as bas ic induc tion m ed ium adding 60 g /L suc rose, 6 g /L agar, 1m g /L 2, 4- D, 3m g /L NAA, 1m g /L KT, 100m g /L pro line and 300m g /L hydro ly zed case in prote in, inductiv ity o f callus in Y angdao 6 is h igh as 81 5 pe rcents after chilling trea tm ent fo r 9d during 26℃- 31℃ a ir tem pe ra ture fo r samp ling. W hile that in Suhux iang jing is high as 15.05 percents when us ingM 8 as basicm ed ium adding 60 g /L sucro se, 8 g /L aga r, 1 mg /L 2, 4- D, 3 m g /L NAA, 1 mg /L KT, 100 mg /L pro line and 300 m g /L hydro ly zed casein prote in; a fter chilling treatment for 12 d du ring 27℃ - 30℃ a ir temperature for sam pling. And that when using M S as d ifferen tiation basic med ium adding 0.2m g /L 2, 4- D、2m g /L 6- BA、2m g /L KT, the frequency of regeneration o f ca llus from anher in Yangdao 6 and Suhux iang jing are 2.7 percents and 5.7 percents, respec tive ly. The stab le and e-f fective regeneration from anther in Yangdao 6 and Suhux iang jing are established。


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Last Update: 2013-05-05