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Evolution of the Spatial Structure of the Urban System in Jiangsu(PDF)


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Evolution of the Spatial Structure of the Urban System in Jiangsu
Wang Ying1Liu Shaoli1Lu Yuqi2
1.School of Remote Sensing,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China
J iangsu the spa tia l structure the urban system evo lu tion
Based on the histor ica l da ta, this paper explo res its evo lutional process o f the spa tia l struc ture o f the urban system w ith spatia l variation in the density of cities, the central c ities and the urban system in order to study the spatial d istr ibu tion o f the urban system. It draw s some conc lusions: ( 1) There a re great differences in the evo lution o f the den- s ity o f c ities and the spa tia l structu re o f the urban system in three areas o f Jiang su; ( 2) The spatia l struc ture changes from the quadr ilatera l g rid-like structure to aT-shaped one a long the rivers in the northe rn Jiang su, w hile it var ied from the linea r structu re into the quadr ilatera l gr id-like structure and the hex agonal structure in the centra l Jiangsu and the sou thern J iangsu; ( 3) The centra l cities shift from the no rth to the south in Jiangsu. A t the sam e tim e it also po ints out tha t influentia l factors that result in the spa tia l structure and the ir evo lutional diversity are reg iona l econom ic conditions, hydro log ica l conditions and traffic conditions etc.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23