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Slope Spectrum of Positive and Negative Terrains of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province(PDF)


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Slope Spectrum of Positive and Negative Terrains of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province
Gao YipingTang GuoanZhou YiLi Fayuan
Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Nanjing Normal University,Ministry of Education,Nanjing,210046,China
loess p la teau positive and negative te rra ins slope DEM
Div ided by the zigzag loess shoulde r-lines, the loess plateau presents tw o m a in k inds of terra ins, wh ich are nam ed positive and nega tive te rra ins. The slope characte ristic differences of positive and nega tive terra ins show spec ific spa tia l va riation patterns. Tak ing 5 m g rid reso lution DEM s as m a in inform ation sou rce and the ex tracted positive and neg ative terra ins as bas ic data, researches are done to reveal the slope spectrum cha racte ristics o f po sitive and nega tive terrains in different landfo rm type areas. The resu lts show that there ex ist sign ificant d ifferences betw een the loess posi- tive and nega tive terra ins of the d ifferent landform type areas in the aspect o f the slope spectrum curves, skew ness, aver- age slope d ifference and slope spectrum entropy. M oreove r, the spatia l var ia tion o f the sign ificant differences presen t a spec ific regular ity, wh ich reflect the crushing and deve lopm ent of the land surface to som e ex ten t


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Last Update: 2013-04-23