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Chaos in Potential Well and Classical-Quantum Correspondence(PDF)


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Chaos in Potential Well and Classical-Quantum Correspondence
Wang ZhaoYang Shuangbo
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
po ten tia lw e ll chaos c lassic-quantum correspondence
Th is paper num er ica lly studied the class ica l dynam ics fo r the coupled po tential we ll and theH arm on ic oscillator system. It is found that the low er the system energy, o r the w ider the w idth o f the potentia l we l,l or the larger the coup ling constant, the stronger the chaos. By compar ing w ith the nearest ne ighbo r spac ing d istribution o f energy levels, w e found that the quantum results agreew ith the c lassica l resu lts very w el.l For some low energy quantum scar ing states, w e found the corresponding c lassica l per iod ic orbits.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23