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Stretching Deformation Analysis of Biology Membrane Material by Interferometry Phase-shift Method(PDF)


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Stretching Deformation Analysis of Biology Membrane Material by Interferometry Phase-shift Method
Mi HonglinQu Zhihao
School of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 200235,China
shadow m o ir- m ethod sillastic membrane phase-shift
In order to dete rm ine out-plane displacem ents and three-d imentional pro files o f cu ltu rem embrane sub jected to 1%, 10%, 20% and 25% stra ins, the shadow-mo ir- m ethod w ith phase-sh ift is app lied in this exper im ent and interferom etry pa tterns hav ing conta ined the who le fields out-plane d ispa lcem ent inform a tion of cu ltu re m em brane are obta ined successfully. Then, us ing four phase m ap, three-dim en tiona l pro file of cu lture m em brane due to stretch can be reconstructed. The results indica te that shadow-m o ir- m ethod w ith phase- shift is adapt to m easu re large deform ation o f m embrane m ateria ls. Stra ins o f the who le fields for culturem em brane can be determ ined acco rd ing to the data co llecting from this expe rim en t and it w ill be studied in the follow ing research w ork


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Last Update: 2013-04-23