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Application of Confocal Micro-Raman for Identification of Ink Marks in Judicial Authentication(PDF)


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Application of Confocal Micro-Raman for Identification of Ink Marks in Judicial Authentication
Ji Kang 1Zhao Jie 2Gao Rong 3Heng Hang 1
1. Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab for Photoelectric Technology,Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Confoca lM icro-Ram an ink non-destructive detection
T ak ing advantage o fConfoca lM icro-Ram an techno logy, seve ra l comm ercial inkpads, stam p-pad ink and prin-t ing ink are stud ied by the IR ( 785 nm ) laser. The results show that inkpads and stam p-pad ink have the 1 235 cm - 1 characteristic peak on theRaman spectra because o f conta ining the ester, wh ile prin ting ink has 1 086 cm- 1 charac teristic peak because of conta in ing the a lcoho lm ater ia.l This d iffe rence can be used to identify the counterfe it cop ies reco rded w ith printing ink from those recorded w ith inkpads and the stamp-pad ink. Furthermo re, different brands inkpads, stamp-pad ink and pr inting ink have the d iffe rent characteristic peaks on the Ram an spec tra, so the brands of ink and the copies can be d istingu ished eas ily. Confoca lM icro-Ram an techno logy prov ide a sc ientific m ethod to judge the ev idence o f ink m arks in the area of jud ic ia l au thentication.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23