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Extended Research on the Role of the Attaching Arms in Separation of a Chiral Lactone on Sol-Gel Gas Chromatographic Columns With Chirasil-Dex as Stationary Phase(PDF)


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Extended Research on the Role of the Attaching Arms in Separation of a Chiral Lactone on Sol-Gel Gas Chromatographic Columns With Chirasil-Dex as Stationary Phase
Wang Dongxin 1Abdul Malik 2
1.School of Chemical and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
so-l gel chirasi-l dex ch ira l separa tion
3 d ifferent k inds o f PMH S w ith pendant cyc lodex tr in sta tiona ry phases were synthesized. So-lG el cap illary co-l um ns we re prepared w ith these stationary phases. The chiral com pound ( ? )C-pheny-lC-bu ty ro lactone was sepa rated on these co lumns and separation e fficiency, enantio se lectiv ity, capac ity factor, reso lution, and po larity we re exper im enta lly determ ined and then compared w ith the param eters on three other so-l g el cap illa ry co lum ns w ith ch iras i-l dex statuionary phases prepared in our pub lished ear lier-stag ewo rk. The resu lts show ed that the stationary phase hav ing attaching arm o f 4 m ethy lene g roups and an ethe r- link is the best. The e ther- link tha tw as no t in the attach ing arm d id not have effect on ch ira l separa tion. The po ssib lemechan ism o f the effect of the attach ing a rm w as d iscussed. Som e o ther ch ira l com pounds w ere also m easured.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23