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β-Character Algebras Over Weak Hopf Algebras(PDF)


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β-Character Algebras Over Weak Hopf Algebras
Li YanchaoWang YongZhang Liangyun
College of Science,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
w eak H opf algebra β-cha racter a lg ebra group- like e lem ent
The paper is concerned w ith the B-character a lgebras in the case o f w eak H opf a lgebras. W e present a suff-i c ient and necessary condition that any elem ent gI H* is in the β-charac ter a lgebra Cβ(H ), whereH is a finite dim enina lw eak H opf a lgebra. Furtherm ore, w e investig ate theβ-genera lized character a lgebras overw eak H opf algebras


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Last Update: 2013-04-23