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Generalized Vector Equilibrium Problems and Its Applications in Topological Ordered Spaces(PDF)


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Generalized Vector Equilibrium Problems and Its Applications in Topological Ordered Spaces
Bao Hongmei
Department of Computing Science,Huaiyin Institute of Technology,Huai’an 223003,China
topo log ical o rde red space O-KKM m apping generalized vecto r equ ilibrium Nash equilibrium
Using an O-KKM type theorem, som e ex istence theorem s o f so lutions fo r abstract genera lized vector equilibr-i um problem s in the framew ork o f topo log ical o rdered spaces is proved. Furtherm ore, these ex istence theorem s can be applied to derive som eN ash equilibr ium ex istence theorem s for non-cooperativ e gam es in topo log ical ordered spaces w ithout linear structure.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23