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Study on the Active Site of MetMbase Electron Transport out of Cell(PDF)


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Study on the Active Site of MetMbase Electron Transport out of Cell
Wang WeiJin BangquanLu YanLiu Jinlin
Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
M eMt base e lec tron transport NADH NaN 3  N-Ethy lm a le im ide d iva lent m eta l ions
M eMt base extrac tion from porc ine cardiac m usc le w as studied on its enzym e b io chem ica l properties. Fo r study ingM eMt base active site, NADH, ATP, NaN3, N-E thy lm a le im ide and d iva lentm e tal ions w ere used as b lo ckers o r agon ists in th is research. The resu lts show ed that the express ion o fM eMt base ac tiv ity depended on NADH starting. The m ost optimum NADH concentration w as 0.2mM so that NADH w as a promo tor forM eMt base. In the reaction system, M eMt base activ ity w as inhib ited by the h igher ATP leve ,l because ATP cou ld block e lec tron transport in resp ira tory cha in. A t the third site M eMt base activ ity w as blocked by NaN3. M eMt base was inac tive through N-E thy lm a le im ide bond ing the sulfhydry l g roup( - SH ) in enzym e prote in structure at them om ent. In addition, M eMt base ac tiv ityw as inter fered by som e div alent m eta l ions, such as Zn 2+ , Cu 2+ andM g 2+ . M eMt base activ ity w as increased by Zn 2+ , wh ile it was decreased by Cu 2+ andMg 2+ . The inhib ition ofM g 2+ w as mo re than that of Cu 2+ . The freem e tal ions could be blocked by EDTA as a m eta l chelato r. When EDTA w as added in reaction sy stem, M eMt base activ ity w as expressed enough.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23