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Spectroscopic Studies on Interaction of Elsinochrome A With Hemoglobin(PDF)


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Spectroscopic Studies on Interaction of Elsinochrome A With Hemoglobin
Ma Fei1Zhou Lin1Wang Wei1Feng Yuying1Zhou Jiahong1Wang Xinhe2Shen Jian1
1.Key Lab of Biofunction Materials of Jiangsu Province,Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. School of Physics and Technology, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, N an jing 210046, China
Els inochrom e A hem og lobin UV-v is spectroscopy fluorescence spec tro scopy synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy
The inte raction between E lsinochrome A ( EA) and hem og lob in ( H b) w as investig ated us ing UV-v is spec troscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. The resu lts suggested tha t the inte raction m odesw ere obv iously different in the dark and the illum inated cond ition. In the dark, EA inte racted w ith the surface am ino ac id ofH b on ly, but w ith the illum ina tion, bo th am idic ac id and the inte rio r hem achrom e o fHb inte racted w ith EA. A cco rding to the va lues of the quenching constant and the thermodynam ics param eters, the quench ingm echan ism was dynam ic quenching procedure and the inter ac tion between EA and H b w as m a inly hydrophobic in na ture. The chang es in the m icroc ircum stance o f am ino acid o f Hb w ere analyzed by synchronous fluo rescence spec troscopy.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08