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Chemical Cleaning of Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Treating Electroplating Wastewater(PDF)


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Chemical Cleaning of Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Treating Electroplating Wastewater
Yan Hailin1Zhang Xianqiu2Du Minxia2Yang Liu2Wang Fenghe2
1.Editorial Board of Journal of Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China 2. School of Pow er E ngineering, Nan jing Norm alUn ivers ity, Nan j ing 210042, China
chem ica l clean ing reverse osm osis membrane m em brane fouling e lectrop la ting w astew ater
A s an advanced w atertreatm ent techono logy, reverse osm osis ( RO) is increasing ly used in w astew ater deep treatm ent or w astewa ter reuse. But a key po in t is the con tro l of membrane fouling. Chem ica l clean ing is an effic ient m ethod for contro lling m embrane fouling. A m initype RO equ ipm ent, wh ich was used fo r treating e lectroplating w astew ater fo r a long tim e, was cleaned firstlyw ith 1% HC ,l then w ith 1% NaOH and 0.025% NaSDS so lution, fina lly w ith 50m g /L DBNPA. A fter clean ing, the pene tra te flux increased from 13.9 L /m2. h to 28.3 L /m2.h w ith the oper a tion pressure at 0.5MPa. In add ition, analyzed results show ed that when RO was used on trea ting e lectroplating w astew ater, the m ain factor that caused m em brane fou ling w as heavy m eta l eas ily adsorbed on sur face o fm em brane.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08