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Construction of an E.coli-Streptomyces-Pseudomonas Shuttle Expression BAC Vector(PDF)


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Construction of an E.coli-Streptomyces-Pseudomonas Shuttle Expression BAC Vector
Huang HuiyingSong JieShang Guangdong
Nanjing Engineering and Technology Research Center for Microbiology,Jiangsu Key Lab for Biodiversity and Biotechnology,School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
BAC vector recomb inee ring shuttle expression
H etero logous express ion o f biosynthetic gene c luster is an im po rtant study area o f drug resea rch and development, and it can be used fo r gene function study, to obta in targe t compound o r its de riv atives. A s b iosynthetic gene clus  ter is usua lly very large, no rma l DNA vectors m ay have the prob lem s o f low content, hard to handle because of vector s low copy number or no t su it for shuttle express ion in diffe rent hete ro logous stra ins. In th is wo rk, recom bineer ing strategy as we ll as no rm al gene c lon ing techn iques are used to clone functional hetero logous expression DNA elem ents into pECBAC1, one o f them ost commonly used BAC library construc tion vector.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08