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Conception of Urban Spatial Distribution for Region Along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Conception of Urban Spatial Distribution for Region Along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province
Liu Shaoli12Lu Yuqi1
1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. School of Remote Sensing, Nan jing U n ivers ity of In form ation S cien ce and Technology, Nan jing 210044, China
region a long the Yang tze R ive r in Jiangsu Prov ince urban spatial distribution m etropo litan region
Reg ion a long theY angtze R iver is the b iggest a rea of town density and h ighest area o f urbanization leve l in Jiang su Prov ince, but obv ious diffe rences ex ist in towns o f th is reg ion. This resu lts in imperfec t urban sy stem and slow prom otion of who le com petition. Therefore, in orde r to im prove its competitiveness in theY ang tze R ive r delta area, it is necessary to optim ize and ad just its urban space. In v irtue of calculating centrality indices and using the g rav ity-model approach about 8 cities a long the Yang tze R iver in Jiangsu Prov ince, 3 m etropo litan reg ions are built. Function or ientation of Nanjing me tropo litan reg ion is reg iona l se rv ice cen ter fo r theYang tze River delta area, the goa l of X ichangta ime-t ropo litan reg ion is an important base o f in ternationalm anufactur ing o f Jiang su, and as an inner c ircle of Shangha im etropolitan reg ion, Sutongm etropo litan reg ion brings about ful-l range echo and dock ing to Shangha.i In the case of coord ination o f reg iona l ou ter space, towns netw ork system dom inating w ith 3 me tropo litan reg ions for reg ion a long the Yang tze R iver in Jiang su Prov ince shou ld be ac tive lym erged into the fram e o f g loba l city- reg ion w ith Shangha i as the center, and it pa rtic ipates in the internationa l div is ion and coope ration as an important part o f urban agg lome ra tion of the Yang tze R iver de lta.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08