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An Iterative Algorithm for Solving Matrix Equations With Submatrix Constraints(PDF)


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An Iterative Algorithm for Solving Matrix Equations With Submatrix Constraints
Nong Liwei1Chen Puyin2
1.Department of Mathematics,Nanning Prefecture’s Educational College,Nanning 530001,China 2. Departm ent ofM ethem at ics, Shanghai J iaotong Un ivers ity, Shanghai 200240, Ch in a
iterativ e algorithm s m atr ix equations least-squares so lutions the best approx im ation
By use of the abstract a lgor ithm and theoretica l analysis in [ 1] for so lv ing a finite-d imensional ope rato r equation, this pape r proposes an iterativ e a lgor ithm s for getting the skew- symm etr ic least-squares so lution and the best approx im ation solution of the ma tr ix equation AXB = C w ith a subm atrix constrain t. The convergence ana lys is of the algorithm is presented and several num er ica l examp les are reported to illustra te its compu tational pe rfo rm ance.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08