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Pricing of Arithmetic Average Asian Options Based on Generalized Merton Model(PDF)


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Pricing of Arithmetic Average Asian Options Based on Generalized Merton Model
Chen Bo1Liu Guoxiang2Shi Yanyan3
1.School of Mathematics and Information Technology,Jiangsu Institute of Education,Nanjing 210013,China 2. S chool ofM athem atical S ciences, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, Nan jing 210097, China 3. Fu llerton In vestm en t& C red itGuaran tee C om pany, Nan j ing 210008, China
M erton m ode l Asian option pricing L?vy processes stochastic vo latility
In th is paper, w e assum ed the pr ice of the financ ia l asset is a L?vy processes and the vo latility is stochastic. By using them ethod o fm artinga le, the transform o f them easure, and L?vy processes, w e conduce the pr ic ing of the call arithm etic ave rage asian option at any va lid tim e when the str ike pr ic ing is fixed.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08