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Study on the Ageing of Black Rollerball Pen’ Ink Trace by Application of Confocal Micro-Raman(PDF)


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Study on the Ageing of Black Rollerball Pen’ Ink Trace by Application of Confocal Micro-Raman
Ji Kang1Zhao Jie2
1.Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab for Photoelectric Technology,Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. School of Law, Nan jing Norm alU nivers ity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
confocal m icro??Ram an b lack ro lle rball pen ink trace nondestructive detection
Th is pape r prov ides the data o f the black ro llerba ll pen s ink trace var iation in 4 successive years. Th is re search, tak ing the advantag e o f confoca lm icroRam an techno logy and the ultrav io let laser as light source, lasted 4 years running. The result show s that at the position o f 1 592 cm- 1, the ra lative integrated intensity of theRam an charac teristic peak grew along w ith the g row th o f tim e, and in accordance w ith this result, the trace form ation tim e of the b lack ro ller ball pens ink can be judg ed through the contrast of the Rom an spectra data o f the m ater ia l under compar ing w ith the sam ple tim e data of d ifferen t tim e. The result of this pape r justifies the fact that the confocal m icroRam an techno logy prov ides a quick, conven ient, accurate and nondestructive de tection m ethod for the b lack ro llerba ll pen s ink trace tes ting.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08