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Study on Status Quo and Development Strategy of High Level Sports Teams in Universities in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Study on Status Quo and Development Strategy of High Level Sports Teams in Universities in Jiangsu Province
Chu ZhidongHu Liping
School of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
J iangsu Prov ince Un ive rs ities H igh- leve l Spo rts Team S tatus Quo Stra tegy o f deve lopm ent
Th is paper is w r itten according to m ater ials, statistics, questionna ires, analysis o f spec ific cases and v isits to experts, w ith the purpo se of study ing the status quo o f bu ild ing h igh- level sports team s in un iversities in Jiangsu Province. The results o f the study is as follow s: 1. The gu ideline o f bu ilding h igh- leve l sports team s in un iversities in J iangsu Prov ince fa il to m atch the national po licy to a larg e ex tent. 2. The program setting is unreasonable, w ith a lowe r coverage, com pa red to the comprehens ive spo rtsm eetings such asO lym pics andW or ld University SportsGam es. 3. The overa ll streng th o f h igh- leve l spo rts team s in universities in Jiangsu Prov ince ranks am ong the top in N ationw ide. 4. The engagem ent and encouragem ent system of high- level coach is notm a ture. 5. The rate o f enro llm ent in un ive rsities and emp loym ent o fm ost h igh- leve l athletes is re lative ly low. 6. H igh- leve l sports team s have a comparab ly sm alle r chance to participate in var ious com petitions every y ea r. 7. The tra in ing fields and equ ipm ent hav e no t been guaranteed every year and funds for h igh- leve l spo rts team are still in need. A t the lastw e put fo rw ard the correspond ing suggestion according to the research resu lt.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08