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Research and Enlightenment of the Complexity System Based on Fractal Theory About Tourism System(PDF)


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Research and Enlightenment of the Complexity System Based on Fractal Theory About Tourism System
Cao FangdongWu JiangXu Min
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
fractal theo ries o f the comp lex ity system of tou rism inspiration
The com plex na ture of science as an eme rg ing sc ience provide new theo ries and m ethods, tourism system as a system is an immense com plex ity of the sy stem w ith the comp lex ity of features. In this paper, the comp lex ity o f com b-i n ing sc ience and nonlinear science about fracta l theory to the tou rism industry is carried out the system o f system s analys is. Focused on the tour ism system, the com plex ity o f the sy stem about charac teristics pu ts up a nature o f perfo rmance. And the use of fracta l comp lex ity of the idea about tour ism system prov ide m ore sc ientific and theoretica l basis to comm ent on our country?? s tourism industry as a system construction andm anagement innovation. Last but no t least, the system prov ides dec ision- m ak ing w ith the re ference for construc tion o f the tourism system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08