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Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Tujia Brocade Design of Haar Wavelet Transform(PDF)


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Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Tujia Brocade Design of Haar Wavelet Transform
Li JunXiang Changcheng
College of Information Engineering,Hubei University for Nationalities,Enshi 445000,China
d ig ital w aterm ark ing w avelet transform s Tujia brocade nonm ater ia l cu ltura l her itag e protection
In recent y ea rs, d ig ital techno logy has been w ide ly researched as an effective so lu tion for nonma teria l cultural her itage pro tection, and d ig ital w aterm ark ing becomes a focus in the study for copyr ight pro tection and authentication of mu ltim ed ia inform ation security. Thew aterm ark is preprocessed by log istic chaotic sequences and spread adaptive ly over the im age wave le t dom ain, and a robust d ig ita l w aterm ark ing algor ithm based on H aar w ave let transform is proposed. MATLAB prog ram too lw as used to achieve em bedd ing and detection o f the d ig ital w aterma rking. The exper imenta l resu lts dem onstrate tha t thew ate rma rk is robust to general im age process ing techniques and geom etr ic d istortions


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Last Update: 2013-04-08