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PDA Grafted Silicon Surface Through Wet Chemistry Method(PDF)


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PDA Grafted Silicon Surface Through Wet Chemistry Method
Dai YujingZhou Jiahong
Analysis & Testing Center,Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Bio-medical Function Materials,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
PDA S i( 100) g ra ft surface
U sing w et chem ica l reaction betw een 1, 4pieny lened iam ine ( PDA ) and C lte rm ina ted silicon surface, w e present a new and simp le route to d irec tly bond conjugated organ icm o lecu les on silicon surface. The cova lent bond betw een PDA and silicon su rface was charac terized by contact ang lem easurem ent, XPS and AFM, respective ly. A data encom passing exp lanation for them echanism d iscusses the possib le route of the reaction. This simp le and lowcostly re- ac tion o ffers an attractive route to attach functional con jug ated m o lecules onto the sem iconductor surface wh ich a im s to creat som e new mo lecu lar dev ice in the future.


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Last Update: 2011-06-15