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Loading of P-Doped TiO2 NPs Film and Its Photodegradation of Dye Under Solar Light Irradiation(PDF)


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Loading of P-Doped TiO2 NPs Film and Its Photodegradation of Dye Under Solar Light Irradiation
Lü Yingying1Yu Leshu1Zhang Xiaolan1Dai Zheng1Qi Weifei1Feng Yuying2
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shangrao Normal University,Shangrao 334001,China
photocata lyst load ing nano structu red m ater ia ls so lar light
The conven ient reuse of pho to ca talysts is essen tia l to the ir practica l applica tions in the deg radation of organ ic po llutant. Com pact P- doped T iO2 film coa ted on g round g lass substrate was achieved by layer- by- layer assem bly technique. Thus such an elaborate com plex system exh ib ited very convenient in recyc ling photocata lyst in the degradation o f dye. The excellent perform ance o f P- T iO2 film coa ted on ground g lass substrates endows the assem bled route potentia l in purify ing waste wa ter.


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Last Update: 2011-06-15