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Seasonal Variation of Avian Community and Bird Strike Prevention in Anqing Tianzhushan Airport(PDF)


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Seasonal Variation of Avian Community and Bird Strike Prevention in Anqing Tianzhushan Airport
Hu Chaochao1Yang Ruidong1Zhang Baowei2Xie Wenli1Zhang Chenling3Chang Qing1
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
Anq ing Tianzhushan airport av ian comm un ity seasona l dynam ics b irdstrike prevention
The investigation on the av ian comm un ity has been ca rr ied out from Feb 2008 to Feb 2009 in Anqing T ianzhushan a irport and the surrounding areas. Tota l of 102 spec ies w ere obse rved, wh ich belong to 12 fam ilies and 29 o rders. There are 28 species ( 27145% ) of summ er m igrants, 11 spec ies ( 141 39% ) o f trave lers, 25 spec ies ( 24. 51% ) of w in term igrants, and 38 species ( 371 25% ) of resident b irds. The composition o f b ird in the a rea has the character of inte rgrada tions of palaearctic and or ienta l reg ion, inc lud ing 30139% palaearctic rea lm spec ies, 331 33% orienta l realm spec ies, and 36127% w ide spread spec ies. The spec ies num ber and the diversity in spr ing w ere higher than that in autumn and w inter. The b irdsw erem ore active duringM ay to June and October toNovember on o r near the a irport. In o rder to prevent the birdstr ike effectively, the hab itat m odification shou ld be promo ted for reducing the bird ac tiv ities, and the biod iversity should be decreased on or near the a irpo rt


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Last Update: 2011-06-15