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Establishment of a Proteomic Analysis System by 2-DE From Adult Plutella Xylostella(PDF)


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Establishment of a Proteomic Analysis System by 2-DE From Adult Plutella Xylostella
Zhang Nana1Xu Qin2Li Fengliang3Cheng Luogen1
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
Plutella xy lostella two dimensional electrophoresis proteom ics
Sam ple preparation, IEF, appropriate strips and s live r sta in ing w ere optim ized to get better 2- DE pro files o f adu ltP lutella xy lostella. The resu lts showed tha t 2- DE pro files w ith h igh reso lution w ere obta ined by using 17 cm pH 3 ~ pH 10 non linear strips. Th is study can lay a foundation for future study o f diffe rentia l proteom ics


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Last Update: 2011-06-15