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Study on the Somatotype of Han in Rural Areas of Wanning in Hainan(PDF)


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Study on the Somatotype of Han in Rural Areas of Wanning in Hainan
Zhang Xinghua1Zheng Lianbin1Bao Jinping2Wang Zhibo1Wu Yawen1 Yan Chunyan1Gong Chen1Song Guanlan1
1.Key Laboratory of Cyto-Genetical and Molecular Regulation,School of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China
Heath-Carter somatotypingHanruralWanning
The Heath-Carter somatotyping method is used to study the somatotype of 333 rural adults ( 174 males and 159 females) of Han in Wanning county of Hainan province,which the range of age is from 20 to 80. The results are as follows: ( 1) The mean somatotype values of the male and female are 4. 2 - 5. 3 - 2. 5 and 5. 9 - 4. 8 - 1. 9 in rural districts respectively,which represent the endomorphic mesomorph category in the male and mesomorphic endomorph category in the female. ( 2) The age of 30 is the cutoff point of somatotype in rural adults,which show somatotype differences between before and after 30 years. In males and females,the somaotypes don’t change obviously after the age of 30. ( 3) The rural adults of Han show most significant differences between gender. ( 4) Somatotype formation is affected by the interaction of genetics,diet and living environment. The rural adults of Han show their unique somatotype characteristics.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21