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Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Promoting Health in Physical Activity of the Elderly(PDF)


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Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Promoting Health in Physical Activity of the Elderly
Wang Jing1Li Fanghui1Gao Keke1Xie Tian1Wang Zhuangzhi1Kang Yuchen1Yan Shizhan2Li Sen2
(1.School of Sport Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Postdoctoral Workstation,Jiangsu Research Institute of Sports Science,Nanjing 210023,China)
the transtheoretical modelthe elderlyhealthy agingphysical exercise
This paper organizes,summarizes and analyzes the current research status and main application areas of the transtheoretical model in the physical activities of the elderly in China and abroad by means of literature research and logic analysis,which aims to provide some theoretical and guiding significance for the further application of this theory in the physical exercise of the elderly in the future. The following conclusions are drawn from the study:(1)The transtheoretical model is more and more widely used in the physical exercise of the elderly,but there is less research in China than in foreign countries;(2)The division of the stage of change in the transtheoretical model lacks objectivity and scientific;(3)Although the intervention scheme of the elderly based on the transtheoretical model has some effect,there are still some problems and need to be further improved;(4)The theoretical explanation of the transtheoretical model is not comprehensive enough. Based on the above conclusions,this paper gives the following suggestions:(1)China should strengthen the research of the transtheoretical model on physical activity of the elderly;(2)There needs to be a uniform standard for the division of stages of change in the transtheoretical model;(3)The stage of change should be considered in the design of exercise intervention program;(4)All components of the transtheoretical model should be considered to improve the theoretical structure.


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Last Update: 2022-09-15