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Full Reference Color Image Quality Assessment Method via Low-level Features Combination with Extreme Learning Machine(PDF)


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Full Reference Color Image Quality Assessment Method via Low-level Features Combination with Extreme Learning Machine
Ma YuemeiFu HaoLiu GuojunYang LingWei Lili
(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China)
color image quality assessmentlow-level featureslocal binary patterngradientstructural contrast indexextreme learning machine
TP391.41; TP181
As an image quality monitoring and evaluation tool,image quality assessment(IQA)plays an important role in various image processing systems. The ideal IQA method should be consistent with human visual system(HVS). Suppose HVS understanding an image mainly according to its low-level features,a novel Full Reference(FR)color IQA method. Firstly,four different types of low-level feature maps are extracted,namely structural contrast index(SCI),gradient,local binary pattern(LBP),and chroma,which are used to characterize different feature attributes of the image. Secondly,different feature pooling strategies are employed to process each type of features respectively,and a set of similar feature vectors are formed as the detector of image quality. Then,extreme learning machine(ELM)is used to establish regression model and map the feature vectors into an objective quality score. Finally,extensive experiments performed on five benchmark IQA databases and compared with eight state-of-the-art FR IQA metrics. The results demonstrate that the overall performance of proposed method is better than other methods,and can effectively improve the accuracy of IQA index on most of distortions.


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Last Update: 2022-12-15