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Robust and Sparse BPCA with the Constraints of L1-norm and the Elastic Net(PDF)


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Robust and Sparse BPCA with the Constraints of L1-norm and the Elastic Net
Tang Ganyi1Lu Guifu1Wang Yong12Fan Lili1Du Yangfan1
(1.School of Computer and Information,Anhui Polytechnic University,Wuhu 241000,China)
(2.State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
BPCAL1-normelastic netsparse modellingsubspace learning
Block principal component analysis(BPCA),which can utilize part correlation of image matrix sufficiently,is an important subspace learning approach. L1-norm based BPCA is an effective technique for robust learning in dimensionality reduction developed recently. We propose a novel robust and sparse BPCA method referred to as BPCAL1-S. The approach is more robust to outliers than the traditional L2-norm based PCA. To develop a model with sparsity,the elastic net constraint which combining ridge and lasso penalty,is integrated into the optimization procedure. We present a greedy algorithm to extract basic feature vectors one by one,and proposed theoretical analysis to guarantee the convergence of the iterative process. The proposed BPCAL1-S is applied to the analysis of image classification and image reconstruction,and the experimental results verify its effectiveness.


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Last Update: 2022-12-15