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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Culter alburnus in Hongze Lake Based on Mitochondrial Control Region D-loop Sequence(PDF)


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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Culter alburnus in Hongze Lake Based on Mitochondrial Control Region D-loop Sequence
Yang Ziping12Li Daming1Liu Yanshan1Gu Xiankun1Yang Jiaxin2
(1.College of Marine Science and Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
(2.Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province,Key Laboratory of Fisheries Resources in Inland Waters of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210017,China)
Culter alburnus mtDNA control region genetic diversity Hongze Lake
In order to understand the present genetic diversity of Culter alburnus populations in Hongze Lake, we sampled a total of 233 C. alburnus samples from 6 geographic populations and conducted genetic diversity analysis based on sequences of D-loop control region. The results showed that the full length of D-loop sequences was 934 bp-936 bp, (A+T)base composition(66.0%)was higher than the(C+G)combination(34.0%). A total of 23 variable sites were identified in 243 D-loop sequences in which 9 singleton mutation and 14 parsimony informative sites. 22 haplotypes were defined in 6 populations. The overall haplotype diversity index(Hd)was(0.794±0.019)and the overall nucleic acid diversity index(Pi)was(0.002 51±0.000 14), which showed high Hd and low π genetic pattern. The highest and lowest index value of haplotype diversity and nucleic acid diversity were identified in Hongze popluation(Hd:0.873±0.038, Pi:0.002 95±0.000 35)and Gule River population(Hd:0.709±0.064, Pi:0.002 03±0.000 31), respectively. The result of AMOVA demonstrated that 0.43% molecular variation was among populations and 99.57% within populations, and molecular variation mainly occurred within populations. The values of pairwise genetic differentiation index were -0.019 12-0.028 01, which revealed that there were no sigificant genetic differences among pouplations(P>0.05). The NJ phylogenetic tree and network structure diagram of haplotypes showed that there were more shared haplotypes among populations, and haplotypes were clustered into one clade without forming a specific geographic genetic structure. The results of the neutrality test revealed that no population expansion happened in evolutionary history of C. alburnus. In conclusion, the genetic diversity of C. alburnus was low, and the 6 populations can be viewed as a management unit. Furthermore, we should take measures to improve its genetic diversity and population size of C. alburnus in Hongze Lake.


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Last Update: 2023-06-15