[1]庞国萍,等.具有脉冲效应和Holling IV功能性反应的捕食者食饵系统分析(英文)[J].南京师大学报(自然科学版),2007,30(02):1-5.
 Pang Guoping,Chen Lansun.Analysis of a Holling IV One-Predator Two-Prey System With Impulsive Effect[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2007,30(02):1-5.

具有脉冲效应和Holling IV功能性反应的捕食者食饵系统分析(英文)()




Analysis of a Holling IV One-Predator Two-Prey System With Impulsive Effect
庞国萍1 2 陈兰荪2 3
( 1. 玉林师范学院数学与计算机科学系, 广西玉林537000 )
( 2. 大连理工大学应用数学系, 辽宁大连116024)
( 3. 福建师范大学闽南科技学院, 福建南安362332)
Pang Guoping12Chen Lansun23
( 1. Department of Mathem atics and Com puter S cien ces, Yu lin Norm alUn iversity, Yu lin 537000, Ch ina)
( 2. Department of AppliedM athem atics, DalianUn ivers ity of Techn ology, Dal ian 116024, Ch in a)
( 3. M innan Science and Technology Inst itute, Fu jian NormalU n ivers ity, N an’an 362332, Ch in a)
捕食者-食饵系统 Holling type IV 脉冲效应 灭绝 持续生存
predator-prey system H oll ing typ e IV im pu ls ive effect extin ct ion p erm anen ce
构建和分析了在固定时刻脉冲投放捕食者且具有Holling IV功能性反应的一个捕食者两个食饵系统,利用脉冲比较定理和微分方程的分析方法,得到了平凡周期解稳定和系统持续生存的条件.
A H olling type IV Lotka-Vo lterra one-predator two-prey system w ith im pu ls ive effect on p redator at fixedmo m en ts is investigated. Cond it ion s for the s tab il ity of the trivial peridic solut ion and the perm an ence of th e system are es tabl ished via com parison theorem of im puls ive d ifferent ial equation and analyt ic m ethod s of d ifferent ial equation th eory


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Foundation item: Supported by theN at ion alN aturalS cience Found at ion ofEducat ion alD epartment of Chin a ( 10471117, 10526015) and S cien tific R esearch Foundat ion of Guangx iProvin ce ( 2006243) .
Biography: Pang Guoping, born in 1968, fem ale, associate professor, doctora,l m ajored in b iom athem at ics. E-ma il:g. p. pang@ 163. com
Corresponding author: Chen Lansun, born in 1938, professor, m ajored in b iomathem atics. E-m ail:lschen@ am ss. ac. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05