 Li Xun,Zhang Jinglei.Isolation and Identification of a Photosynthetic Bacteria Producing Coenzyme Q10[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2008,31(03):104-108.





Isolation and Identification of a Photosynthetic Bacteria Producing Coenzyme Q10
南京林业大学化学工程学院, 江苏南京210037
Li XunZhang Jinglei
School of Chemistry Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
光合细菌 分离 菌株鉴定 16SrDNA
photosynthetic bacter ia iso lation stra in iden tification 16S rDNA
从水塘污泥中富集分离到一株产CoQ10含量较高的光合细菌菌株,并对其进行系统鉴定.采用了丙酮作为CoQ10的提取溶剂,样品经超声波破碎后,用紫外分光光度法(UV)作为CoQ10的定性定量方法,成本低且快速,可以作为筛选CoQ10含量较高菌株的方法.以此方法筛选得到菌株LZC,其CoQ10产量为9.49μg/mL菌液.16S rDNA序列系统发育分析表明,菌株LZC在系统进化树上与GenBank中序列号为AB251407.1、AB251408.1、AB017799.1、DQ342322.1的红假单胞菌(红细菌)聚为一族, 初步确定菌株LZC 为生芽红假单胞菌(Rhodobacterblasticus ). 菌株LZC至少能稳定传代15次.
The iso lates produc ing C oenzyme Ql0 ( CoQ10 ) of purp le non sulfur photosynthetic bac teriaw ere enriched out o f pond sludge, one iso late nam ed LZC w as se lec ted based on its h igh CoQl0 content and identified system atically. The stra in LZC g rows anaerob ica lly in the light and ae robically in the dark. Optim al grow th occurs at 30 ~ 35℃ and at pH 7.0~ 8. 0, Various o rganic compounds are used as photosynthe tic e lectron donors and carbon sources. The CoQ10w as ex tracted from the sam ple w ith organ ic so lvent by ultrason ic extraction and determ ined by the UV m ethod. The w ay, cheap and faster, w as the proper se lectw ay of PSB strain w ith h igh CoQ10 concentration. The CoQ10 concentra tion determ ined by UV way o f stra in c reached 9.49μg /mL. A phy logene tic ana lys is based on 16S rDNA gene sequences revea ls tha t strain LZC gathers a cluster w ith 4 stra ins of R hodobacter sp. w hose access ion number in GenBank are AB251407. 1, AB251408.1, AB017799.1, DQ342322. 1, respective ly. The stra in LZC subcultures stab ly at least 15 genera tions. The results presented here dem onstrated strain LZC is Rhodobacter blasticus.


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基金项目: 南京林业大学高学历人才基金( 163030024)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 李 迅, 讲师, 研究方向: 微生物转化. E-m ail:xun lee@ n jfu. com. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05