[1]赵 凯,陈建琴,张晨岭,等.奔牛机场植被现状调查及鸟类适宜指数评估[J].南京师大学报(自然科学版),2009,32(04):83-88.
 Zhao Kai,Chen Jianqin,Zhang Chenling,et al.A Survey of Vegetation of Benniu Airport and Adjacent Area,With an Assessment of Bird Fit Index[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(04):83-88.





A Survey of Vegetation of Benniu Airport and Adjacent Area,With an Assessment of Bird Fit Index
赵 凯1 陈建琴2 张晨岭2 3 张保卫4 常 青3
1. 安庆师范学院生命科学系, 安徽安庆246011 
2. 江苏教育学院生物系, 江苏南京210013
 3. 南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210097 
4. 安徽大学生命科学学院, 安徽合肥230039
Zhao Kai1Chen Jianqin2Zhang Chenling23Zhang Baowei4Chang Qing3
1.Department of Life Science,Anqing Teachers College,Anqing 246011,China
奔牛机场 鸟击 植被调查 鸟类适宜指数
Chang zhou benn iu a irpo rt b ird strike vege tation investiga te Bird Fit Index
On the basis o f substantial vege tation investigation o f Chang zhou B enn iu airport and its. adjacent area, the B ird F it Index ( BFI) w ere eva luated on all the plant spec ies. The BFIm a in ly explo re r the degrees that the p lant attracted b irds, w ith Em phasis on four factors: ( 1) The species. status in the comm un ity, ( 2) H e ight, ( 3) L iv ing form, ( 4) The contr ibution to bird. s feed ing. To ta lly, w e found seven species w ith the highest BFI, wh ich ind ica ted that they shou ld be removed as soon as po ssib le. As the sam e time, o ther n inteen spec ies, w hich show ed re la tive ly high BFI, shou ld be contro lled str ic tly on the p lant he ight and the ir population size.


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基金项目: 常州奔牛机场鸟击防范项目、国家自然科学基金( 30770315)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 常 青, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 生态学, E-m ail: changq@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23