 Huang Changchun,Li Yunmei,Wang Qiao,et al.Parameterization of Multiple Scattering Item Based on the Gordon Model[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(04):127-133.





Parameterization of Multiple Scattering Item Based on the Gordon Model
南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室, 江苏南京210046
Huang ChangchunLi YunmeiWang QiaoSun DeyongLe ChengfengJin XinWang Yanfei
Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Nanjing Normal University,Ministry of Education,Nanjing 210046,China
多次散射 水表面以下辐照度比 H ydro light模拟
m ultip le scattering the irrad iance reflec tance under wa ter surface H ydro light sim ulation
针对内陆湖泊高散射特性水体,利用Hydrolight模拟软件模拟不同散射系数、风速、太阳天顶角条件下水表面以下辐照度比R(0-)与bb/(a+bb)的比值g,利用Gordon线性方程和二次方程对g值进行拟合,分析散射系数、风速、太阳天顶角等因素对拟合方程系数和多次散射项的影响,分析结果表明二次方程系数受太阳天顶角和风速影响的范围明显小于线性方程,并且与线性方程相比二次方程对多次散射作用的表达和实际状况以及前人研究结果更加相符,从而建立高散射特性水体中考虑多次散射作用的水表面以下辐照度比R(0-)与bb/(的改进关系式, 利用新的模拟数据对该表达形式进行检验, 误差范围为- 41 015 8% ~ 41498 1%, 说明该模型能够较好地应用于R ( 0- )的精确计算或利用R ( 0- ) 准确反演固有光学属性, 在湖泊水色遥感方面具有较好的应用前景.
Using the optica l simu lation softw areH ydro light, this paper sim ulates the spec ific va lue g between the irrad-i ance reflectance under w ater sur face and the bb /( a + bb ) w ith d ifferen t scatte ring coe fficien ts, w ind speeds and so lar zenith ang le in h igh sca tter ing w ater body. U tilizing theGordon linea r equation and quadratic equation to fit the va lue g, th is pape r analyses the scattering coeffic ients, w ind speeds and so lar zen ith ang le a ffect on the param eter o f fit equa tion and the item o fm ultip le scatter ing expressed byGo rdon. s linear equation and quadra tic equation. Compared to theGo rdon linear equa tion, the resu lt o f analyses indicate that not on ly the range o f a ffection tha t thew ind speeds and solar zenith ang le on the quadra tic equa tion. s param e ter ism uch narrow, but also the expression o f the item o fm ultip le sca tter ing by quadra tic equation is m uch mo re cons istent to the fac t condition and the resu lt by fo re runner. s research. A cco rdingly, consider ing the item of mu ltip le scatter ing in the h igh sca tter ing character isticw ater body in the in land lake, w e f-i na lly estab lish the im proved re lationship be tw een theR ( 0- ) and bb / ( a + bb ), and perfect express equation of va lue g. U sing the simu la te data to test the equation, the range o f erro r is - 41015 8% ~ 41498 1%, and it show s that th is m ode l can be applied to ca lculate theR ( 0- ) exactly o r inverse the inhe rent optica l property from the R ( 0- ) nicety, so the m odel has a good prospect in study on w ater co lo r remo te sensing in lake.


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基金项目: “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2008BAC34B05);江苏省2008年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划(CX08B-015Z)资助项目
通讯联系人: 黄昌春, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 环境污染遥感监测. E-m ail: huangchangchun- aaa@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23