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Electrochemical Study on Interaction of SudanⅡ and Hemoglobin
江苏省生物功能材料重点实验室, 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210046
Wei NannanMao HuiWu LiLu TianhongZhao BoDu Jiangyan
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biofunctional Materials,School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
血红蛋白 苏丹Ⅱ 碳纳米管 电化学反应
hem og lobin sudanⅡ carbon nanotubes e lectrochem ica l reaction
用循环伏安法研究了苏丹Ⅱ与牛血红蛋白(BHb)在碳纳米管(CNTs)修饰玻碳(GC)电极上的电化学行为,发现苏丹Ⅱ在CNTs修饰的GC(CNTs/GC)电极上能进行准可逆的电化学反应,式量电位E 0′为55 mV.而在BHb/CNTs/GC电极上,苏丹Ⅱ电化学反应也是准可逆的,但E 0′为70 mV,正移了15 mV,表明苏丹Ⅱ与BHb发生了相互作用.苏丹Ⅱ与BHb的相互作用还与溶液pH有关,在pH为4.5时,它们的相互作用最强.
The e lectrochem ica l behav ior of SudanⅡ w ith BH b w as investigated at the CNTs m od ified GC e lectrode using the cyc lic voltamm etry. It w as found SudanⅡ can undergo a quas-i reversib le electrochem ical reac tion at the CNTs/GC e lectrode. The form a l potentia,l E 0′ is 55mV. A t the BH b /CNTs/GC electrode, the e lectrochem ica l reaction o f SudanⅡis a lso quas-i revers ible. H ow ever, E 0′  is 70 mV. It is positive ly sh ifted 15 mV, com par ing w ith tha t a t the CNTs/GC e lectrode. Th is demonstra ted that Sudan? has interacted w ith BH b. The in terac tion between SudanⅡ and BHb is a lso re lated to the pH of the so lu tion. When the pH o f the so lution is 4.5, the ir interaction is the strongest


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基金项目: 自然科学基金委重点基金( 20833006) . 通讯联系人: 杜江燕, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 生物电化学. E-mail:dujiangyan@ njnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08